Full Official Name: CLIPS_MT_MANUAL
Submission date: June 10, 2014, 10:28 a.m.

OLAC identifier: Desktop/Microphone CLIPS_MT_MANUAL is a sub-corpus of the original Italian CLIPS corpus (Corpora e Lessici dell'Italiano Parlato e Scritto). This corpus contains 3228 inspected and partially repaired WAV signal files, each containing one dialogue turn (*.wav), 3228 corrected original CLIPS annotation files (*.acs, *.phn, *.std, *.wrd), 3228 BAS Partitur files containing the annotation tiers ORT, KAN and SAP (*.par), 3228 EMU database annotation files (*.vot, *.hlb) covering 30 maptask dialogues performed by 30 speakers (each speaker pair performing two different map tasks) recorded in 15 different locations in Italy in 2000-2004. CLIPS_MT_MANUAL is a sub-corpus of the original Italian CLIPS corpus (Corpora e Lessici dell'Italiano Parlato e Scritto). This corpus contains 3228 inspected and partially repaired WAV signal files, each containing one dialogue turn (*.wav), 3228 corrected original CLIPS annotation files (*.acs, *.phn, *.std, *.wrd), 3228 BAS Partitur files containing the annotation tiers ORT, KAN and SAP (*.par), 3228 EMU database annotation files (*.vot, *.hlb) covering 30 maptask dialogues performed by 30 speakers (each speaker pair performing two different map tasks) recorded in 15 different locations in Italy in 2000-2004.

Right Holder(s)