CELEX Dutch lexical database - Frequency Subset

Full Official Name: CELEX Dutch lexical database - Frequency Subset
Submission date: Jan. 24, 2014, 4:22 p.m.

The Dutch CELEX data is derived from R.H. Baayen, R. Piepenbrock & L. Gulikers, The CELEX Lexical Database (CD-ROM), Release 2, Dutch Version 3.1, Linguistic Data Consortium, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, 1995. Apart from orthographic features, the CELEX database comprises representations of the phonological, morphological, syntactic and frequency properties of lemmata. For the Dutch data, frequencies have been disambiguated on the basis of the 42.4m Dutch Instituut voor Nederlandse Lexicologie text corpora. To make for greater compatibility with other operating systems, the databases have not been tailored to fit any particular database management program. Instead, the information is presented in a series of plain ASCII files, which can be queried with tools such as AWK and ICON. Unique identity numbers allow the linking of information from different files.This database can be divided into different subsets: · orthography: with or without diacritics, with or without word division positions, alternative spellings, number of letters/syllables; · phonology: phonetic transcriptions with syllable boundaries or primary and secondary stress markers, consonant-vowel patterns, number of phonemes/syllables, alternative pronunciations, frequency per phonetic syllable within words; · morphology: division into stems and affixes, flat or hierarchical representations, stems and their inflections; · syntax: word class, subcategorisations per word class; · frequency of the entries: disambiguated for homographic lemmata.

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