This English monolingual dictionary was increased and improved within the French national project EurRADic (European and Arabic Dictionaries and Corpora), as part of the Technolangue programme funded by the French Ministry of Industry. It contains 171,713 lemmas (365,823 inflected forms), with their part of speech and some information related to their inflexion. The data are presented in a table format, where information related to each entry is separated by ";". Other formats and other services may be supplied by the data owner upon request (e.g. conversion into buyer's formalism, selection of subsets of the words missing from your own dictionary). A description of the project is available at the following address: (in French language). See also ELRA-L0049, ELRA-L0051, ELRA-L0052, ELRA-L0053, ELRA-M0033, ELRA-M0034, ELRA-M0035, ELRA-M0036, ELRA-M0037, ELRA-M0038.