CLEFeHealth 2013 Evaluation Package

Full Official Name: CLEFeHealth 2013 Evaluation Package
Submission date: May 6, 2014, 3:38 p.m.

OLAC identifier: Written Corpora The CLEF Initiative (Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum) promotes the systematic evaluation of information access systems through experimentation on shared tasks, with an emphasis on multilingual and multimodal information.The CLEFeHealth 2013 Task 3 Evaluation Package contains data used for the User-centred health information retrieval Shared task at the CLEFeHealth Lab conducted in 2013. Task 3 aimed at evaluating information retrieval to address questions patients may have when reading clinical reports. The package contains:? a collection of medical-related documents, ? guidelines provided to the participants,? queries generated by medical professionals,? a set of manual relevance assessments,? the official results obtained by the participants,? working notes papers. The collection consists of a set of medical-related documents, provided by the Khresmoi project. This collection contains documents covering a broad set of medical topics, and does not contain any patient information. The documents in the collection come from several online sources, including Health On the Net organization certified websites, as well as well-known medical sites and databases (e.g. Genetics Home Reference, development queries and result set are provided with the data set. The queries have been manually generated by medical professionals from a manually extracted set of highlighted disorders identified in Task 1 of CLEF eHealth.A demo version of the package is available from The CLEFeHealth 2013 Task 3 Evaluation Package contains data used for the User-centred health information retrieval Shared task at the CLEFeHealth Lab conducted in 2013. Task 3 aimed at evaluating information retrieval to address questions patients may have when reading clinical reports.

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